It belongs to a sub-branch of Indo-Iranian. Sanskrit is a language in the Indo-European family of languages. Among them Katantravyakarana by Sarvavarman (100 AD), Chandravyakarana by Chandragomin (c 700 AD), Vakyapadiya by Bhartrhari (700 AD), Katantrasutravrtti by Durgasimha (900 AD), Siddhahemachandranuxasana by Hemachandra (1050-1100 AD), Mugdhavodhavyakarana by Vopadeva (1200-1250 AD), Jaumaravyakarana by Kramadixvara (1200-1250), Saupadmavyakarana by Padmanabha Datta (1300-1350), Harinamamrta by Rupagosvami, (c 1470-1559), and Siddhantakaumudi by Bhattojidiksita (1700 AD) are worth mentioning. Besides Astadhyai there are many other famous grammars in Sanskrit. The rules, which have been compiled in Astadhyai, are considered to be essential for Sanskrit language and literature. So the complete Astadhyayi is called Trimunivyakarana (contribution of three grammarians).

In a later period, Astadhyayi became even more authoritative through the contributions of Vartikakara Vararuchi (or Katyayana) and Bhasyakara (the commentator) Patavjali. Panini's Astadhyayi is the main Sanskrit grammar book. In Vedic vowel sound there are three kinds of pronunciation, eg udatta (high), anudatta (low) and svarita (mixed), but in Sanskrit this distinction is not maintained. The main difference between these two languages is in their instinctive accents. The later Vedic language is also called Classical Sanskrit.

There are two stages of Sanskrit from the chronological point of view, eg Vedic and later Vedic (or Laukika). When it passed through a process of reform or purification, it was called Samskrta (Sam -kr + ta). In ancient times the language, used only in the public domain was called bhasa. This language was called a Vedic language from the time of the Rgveda to the upanisad. The composition of the Rgveda is supposed to have taken place in 2500 BC. The oldest form of this language is found in the Rgveda.

The study of this language has continued for about five thousand years. Sanskrit is the oldest and richest language of India.