The slowest launching browser (looking only at latest releases) was Firefox 1.0 at 11.07 sec., followed by Mozilla 1.8 at 10.26. (Second place went to Safari 1.2 at 1.33 seconds – quite a difference.)

And Safari 2.0 smoked the competition on the CSS rendering test at 0.35 seconds. Under OS X, Opera 8.0 was the fastest in four of seven benchmarks: rendering a table, script speed, displaying multiple images, and “history” (using the Back button to scroll through the last 25 pages displayed).Ĭamino 0.8 was the quickest to launch (2.95 sec.), and iCab 2.9.8 was faster on a relaunch (2.61 sec.). Tests of Safari 2.0 were also performed under a prerelease build of OS X 10.4 Tiger. This study compared Linux and Windows browsers on an 800 MHz Pentium III machine with a 400 MHz G4 Mac running OS 9.x and OS X 10.3.7. That said, it’s nice to know you’re not using the slowest browser out there – and to answer the perennial question, “Are Macs slower on the Web than Windows machines?”

(My personal favorite feature right now is Firefox’s search bar at the bottom of the browser window instead of in a floating window.) Page rendering counts for a lot, as does standards compliance. Speed isn’t the only important factor when choosing a browser.

That’s the question answered in Browser Speed Comparisons, published on the How To Create website last week. What’s the fastest Mac browser? And how do Mac browsers compare to those on Windows and Linux, the other leading operating systems?